Art Exchange II

It is now 4 days after the Art Exchange and I am just getting around to doing a post on what a great time it was. The reason for that is only partly that I have a cold and feel lousy. It was just as much fun as it was the first year, and I am already planning for next year. I was impressed with the art brought the first year, but this year was truly incredible. I think most people were happy with what they went home with, but it is hard to tell with so many people talking, laughing, eating, drinking and admiring their new art. I ended up with 7 new pieces of art. My first pick was a beautiful painting by Chris Cantu. Thank you Chris. After that I became the owner of a heart print by Tami Cole, a beautiful painting called "Fragrance" by Darlene Lucas, a tiny piece called "Swimmer" by Kim Weers, "Money Tree" by Cheryl Waale, "Neptune's Garden" by Jonlee Nunn and "Green Willow" by Marty Blu. I went for all 2D work this year, and I added 4 new artists to my Artists I Know Wall. I will write about that wall another time.

If you are reading this and you came to the Art Exchange, thank you for participating and making it such a memorable event.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Art Exchange

Today is the second annual Art Exchange at my house, and I am very excited. We did it for the first time last November, and it was the most art fun I have ever had. I am expecting 32 artists today. They all bring something to eat and something to drink. They also bring art that they wish to not have in their studio anymore. It may be something they just aren't crazy about, something they haven't been able to sell, or there is some other reason they don't want to see it anymore. In exchange they go home with someone else's work that they love and that is new to them. Some people bring one thing and some may bring a dozen. You just bring what you want to give away and don't expect to go home with exactly the same number you brought. We draw numbers and start to pick out what we want and keep going until everything is gone. Last year everyone went home with at least 5 pieces of art. I bet it will be just as much fun this year. I will let you know how it goes.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Busy Saturday

Barbara DePirro is presenting a program at ArtistsConnect today. If you don't know, she is the local representative for Golden Acrylics. I am sure I am going to leave the program with dozens of things whirling in my head that I need to buy right now and try tomorrow! It is very dangerous to the pocketbook to go to classes when you are an art supply addict.

After the ArtistsConnect meeting and Barbara's presentation, I must go to work at Parklane Gallery in Kirkland from 3 to 7 p.m. If any of you are in the area, stop and see me. I had the opportunity to switch my Parklane shift from tomorrow to today, and I jumped on it because now I can have a whole day at home tomorrow. I will be able to paint for the first time since the Edmonds Art Studio Tour on Oct. 19 & 20. I have been so busy that I haven't even been able to think about painting, let alone do it. I am really feeling the absence of painting in my life. I think it is time to simplify my life, but I can't seem to give up anything art related and that is mostly what I do. I think I am going to have to give up a couple boards or committees. I will let you know how that goes.