I have been making a conscious effort not to let my life get too busy since my back surgery in September. However, I seem to be losing my grip on that goal right now. Between the health related things I must do and the creative things I want to do, life is getting complicated again.
I have the Kirkland Art Studio Tour on Mother's Day weekend and a figurative show at Local Color for the month of May. That involves a lot of paintings, and I have not been painting as much as usual the last 6 months. Fortunately, I have already produced the paintings for the Local Color show, but I need more for the Kirkland Art Studio Tour.
Let us not forget that I will be showing with Nancy Thompson at Matthew Robert Salon in Edmonds June through August.
As soon as the Edmonds Studio Tour is over in September, I will be having knee replacement surgery. I will then have 10 weeks to recover before leaving on a cruise! As soon as we return from the cruise, I have the Edmonds Art Studio Tour. By the way, I am the co-chair for this tour. I do admit that my co-chair, Nancy Thompson, is doing most of the work!
Are you tired yet? Apparently I have my life planned for the next eight months. After that I will be having surgery on the other knee!