Thursday, May 28, 2015

Encaustic Sculpture

I have always wanted to do encaustic figurative sculpture, and I have finally started working on some.  I probably should not post these images, because if I proceed how I have in the past, I will never finish them.  I have gotten further this time than I ever have though.  This first image is paper clay, a lampshade, a cardboard tube and a net skirt from a doll.  It is ready for encaustic now.

The next figure is composed of paper clay, a cage of wood strips like you make for a Santos doll, and plaster cloth.  I am not sure where it is going next.  I am thinking of trying window screen to make a skirt.

The last figure started with a wooden figure that you use to pose differently to practice drawing.  I should have taken a picture of it first.  It is wrapped in many layers of plaster cloth and is not yet ready for encaustic.  As with my paintings, I do not really have a plan, and I just have to figure out what the next step will be.  I think it is easier to be an intuitive artist when painting than it is for this kind of work.  I fear I should have had a plan!  I will post new images as the project develops.

The Fruit Continues

Once I got started painting fruit, I just continued.  Now I have a large collection of fruit paintings that I need to do something with.  Fortunately Local Color, across from Pike Place Market, had an opening for August/September.  Now that I have a venue, I don't have to worry about what I am going to do with all these paintings.  The problem is that I paint the fruit paintings really fast so I end up with a lot of them. They are all small, 8x8, 10x10, 8x10, so I think I will paint some larger ones now.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Pears! Pears! Pears!

Several years ago I painted hundreds of pears and other fruit.  It was a lot of fun until it wasn't anymore.  The other day I was looking at these paintings I had started and never finished.  They were interesting backgrounds so I painted a pear on one, and it was fun, so I painted more.  Now I have a dozen new pear paintings and I enjoyed it!  So, here are a few of them.